Age And Sex Wise Reasons of Internal Migration in Uttar Pradesh

Author Name

Shazia, Shaghla Parveen and Prof. Jabir Hassan Kha

Author Address

Shazia, Research Scholar, Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University Shaghla Parveen, Research Scholar, Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University Jabir Hassan Khan, 3Professor, Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, IP


Internal migration in UP


This paper is an attempt to investigate the age and sex selectivity of migrants in terms of their reasons of migration among the various migration streams in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The study is based on secondary sources of data, collected from census of India publication (2001), New Delhi. The data regarding the place of last residence (duration of residence one to four years) of the total migrants of the different age-groups have been taken into account. For the purpose of explanation the age groups have been clubbed into three broad categories namely youth (0-14 age-group), adult (15-59 age-group) and old(60-80+ age-group). The adult age-group is further divided into young adult (15-34 years) and old adult(35-59years)age-group. The overall analysis of the study reveals that the rural people are more migratory than the urban people and  the  majority of people move from  rural to rural areas. This stream accounts for 67.76 percent of the migrants while the least percentage of migrants(i.e. 4.43 percent) moved from urban to rural areas in Uttar Pradesh. Another important finding of this study is that the majority of migrants belongs to the young adult(15-34 ) age group in all the migration streams. Moreover, the percentage of male migrants is greater than the female migrants in all  the migration streams except the rural to rural migration stream in which the share of female migrants is greater than the male migrants in all ages.  


International Conference on Migration, Diaspora and Development
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