Mr K.L Jhaveri advocate of Asian African harmony died

Published Date:   Saturday, Feb 01, 2014

Mr K.L Jhaveri died at the ripe old age of 92+, having left a distinguished record of public service in Tanzania.  A few years ago, he wrote `Marching with Nyerere: Africanisation of Asians`, in which he recounted how he joined the struggle for Tanganyika`s independence by aligning himself with Julius Nyerere and became a political activist and social reformer.

He was born in India, and after his studies at Bombay University, came to Tanzania in 1948, where he practiced as a respected advocate.  He first became a member of Tanganyika`s Legco in 1959 and then served as an elected MP for Dar es Salaam from 1960 to 1965, and twice served as President of Tanganyika Law Society. He served as its President for fifteen years.  It was clear that he had within a very short time earned the respect and admiration of all those who came into contact with him.

Mr. Jhaveri was not only an eminent jurist but also an honest participant in the process of national construction in Tanganyika. He was a pride of the Asians. His thoughts were inspiring. His simplicity was exemplary. Mr. Jhaveri was the president of the Asian Association of Tanganyika, a former Member of Parliament and President of Tanganyika Law Society. He also served with distinction as Member of Judicial Commission and Judge of the High Court, Tanganyika and has contributed several articles on law in the national newspapers/ journals of Tanganyika. One of his notable book is “Marching with Nyerere: Africanisation of Asians” (1999) which deals with the contribution of Asians in the independent struggle of Tanganyika and particularly the part played by the Asian Association in conjuction with the Tanganyika African National Union which were formulated as a result of the policy of the British Government and the Trusteeship Council of the United Nations and gives full account of Nyerere’s Criminal trial, First Election, Mutiny, Africanisation and union of Tanganyika with Zanzibar.

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