Emigration, Remittances and Its Impact on Indian Economy

Author Name

Sudhaveni Naresh

Author Address

PhD Research Scholar, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – 110067 Email: [email protected]


Economic Development, Emigrants, India, Remittances


Migration is not a new phenomenon but globalization has reinforced it. Earlier, it was perceived as a burden rather than as an agent of economic development. Recently, migration is growing interested in scholars because it emerged as an important subject in the international scenario. Emigration has been viewed as the main source of remittances as emigrants send their earnings back to origin country, and India is the best example of it. India is the highest remittance-receiving country in the world with USD 72.2 billion in 2015. Over 25 million Indian diaspora is spread across the world and India has been a source of emigrants for many countries for a long period. They are contributing to both the economies in origin and destination. Indian emigrants are playing a significant role in the economic growth and development of the country by transferring remittances and knowledge. Here, some questions remain unanswered such as what are the main factors which cause people to emigrate? How do international migration and remittances impact of on economic development in India?

In this context, the present paper is to explore the recent trends in Indian emigration and also identify the main reason for the emigration. It also establishes a relation between the pattern of remittance and its impact on socio-economic development in the context of India. The primary survey would be conducted to know the socio-economic conditions of the emigrants after and before emigration. The study proposes to use both quantitative and qualitative research methods for analysis.


International Conference on "Global Migration: Rethinking Skills, Knowledge and Culture"
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