The Transit Points of an Unprecedented Future

The Transit Points of an Unprecedented Future   Abstract Historically, Slavery migration is mostly associated with the people of African origin who were taken to the ‘New World’ under the Europeans. But did you know that India was also part of it?   Betwe...

Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Awards: A Preliminary Analysis

In today’s globalized world the importance of its diaspora for any country cannot be overstated. Bound by a very strong sense of belonging and long-distance nationalism as well as family and kinship networks, diasporas often have a wide variety of engagements with their respective homeland....

Girmitiya Descendants: Past, Present & Future

Girmitiya Descendants: Past, Present & Future An International Interdisciplinary and Multilingual Seminar A Brief Report An International Interdisciplinary and Multilingual Seminar on Girmitiya Descendants: Past, Present & Future, sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Scie...

Digital Diasporas: Identity and Transnational engagement

Brinkerhoff, J. M. (2009). Digital Diasporas: Identity and Transnational engagement. Cambridge University Press. $36.99 (E-Book), ISBN-13 978-0-511-71938-7 Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff’s scholarly publication titled “Digital Diasporas: Identity and Transnational Engagement” offer...

Research Methodologies and Ethical Challenges in Digital Migration Studies: Caring for (Big) Data?

Edited by Marie Sandberg, Luca Rossi, Vasilis Galis & Martin Bak Jorgensen. Research Methodologies and Ethical Challenges in Digital Migration Studies: Caring for (Big) Data? Palgrave Macmillan. Switzerland, 2022. Introduction Sandberg, Rossi, Galis and Jorgensen, in their book &lsquo...

Indian Diaspora A Bibliography

International migration, voluntary or forced, has been the key factor in the formation of a diaspora which can be defined as an ethnic minority group of migrant origins residing and acting in host country but maintaining strong sentimental and material links with its homeland. Economic liberalisa...

The International Migration of Women.

The International Migration of Women. Edited by Andrew R. Morrison, Maurice Schiff, Mirja Sjoblom. World Bank and Palgrave Macmillan Publications USA. 2007. 218 pages, ISBN 978-08213-7227-2 In today’s time the share of women in the world’s international migrant population is near ...

Forced Migration and Global Politics

Alexander Betts (2009); Forced Migration and Global Politics, eBook ISBN 978-1-4051-8032-0. (2009) Willey Blackwell Publishers. 223 pages.   The Book Forced Migration and Global Politics is an in-depth and groundbreaking scholarly study of Alexander Betts who is an astute Hedley Bull...

In the Absence of Their Men

Leela Gulati (1993) In the Absence of Their Men: The Impact of Male Migration on Women, Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies. ISBN: 978083991286. 176 pages   The book ‘In the absence of their men: The impact of male migration on women’ was written by Leela Gula...

Community Empire and Migration: South Asians in Diaspora

History of Migration and the Notions of Identity Formation in South Asia   Crispin Bates (eds) (2001) Community Empire and Migration: South Asians in Diaspora, New York: Palgrave, ISBN 0-333-80046-X., xii, 319 pages. The book “Community Empire and Migration: South Asians in...

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