Centre for Comparative Immigration Studies
Affiliation: University of California, San Diego
Brief Profile: The Center for Comparative Immigration Studies (CCIS) at UCSD provides a unique institutional home for understanding the challenges and opportunities created by international migration to California, the United States as a whole, and other countries around the world. The CCIS research agenda focuses on Mexican migration to California and comparative, cross-national and cross-regional research on international migratory movements, immigration policy, and citizenship policy. CCIS is the only academic center in the United States specializing in international migration from a broad geographical as well as interdisciplinary perspective, devoting substantial attention to migrant-sending and receiving countries in North America, Europe, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region. CCIS-affiliated researchers encompass all of the social sciences, history, arts and humanities, and legal studies; no single discipline dominates CCIS programming.
The primary missions of CCIS are to conduct policy-or
Contact Address: Center for Comparative Immigration Studies
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0548
La Jolla, CA 92093-0548
WebSite: http://ccis.ucsd.edu/about/about-ccis/
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