Ambuj Kumar Shukla

Institute:   Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha, India

Brief Profile:   Ambuj kumar shukla is Political Science’s student. He is currently working as a Research scholar. He has completed M. Phil on “Indo-US Relation in Reference to Political Achievments of Indian Diaspora (1991-2015)” from the Department of Migration and Diaspora Studies, from Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi, Univesity India, and completed M.A. in Political Science from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi UP in 2012. He is Graduated from Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University with English and Political Science in 2010. Other research is “Role of Recruitment Agencies in International Migration from Mumbai, India” currentaly working on “Political Culture in India ofter Globlization” research interests on International Relesion. Chenging Political Diamention and Activities in India, International Migration, Diaspora and Political Economy.

Area of Specialization (keywords):   Diaspora politics

Contact Address:   Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha, India

E-mail id:   [email protected]

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