Rising return migration in Sri Lanka needs urgent Policy measures, says M.M. Alikhan

Published Date:   Saturday, Feb 20, 2016

Rising return migration in Sri Lanka needs urgent  Policy measures, says M.M. Alikhan

In recent years Sri Lanka is experiencing large number of return migration. However, there is not much attention given to the problem. Being a labour sending country Sri Lanka is enjoying a number of benefits due to the Middle East labour migration. But like the other labour sending countries, Sri Lanka also had failed to give much attention to the ‘return migration’ which is one of the main components in the migration cycle. As the number of emigration is high a large numbers of migrants are returning to the country and they are facing many difficulties to reintegrate with their place of origin. In such background this study attempts to determine the level of economic reintegration of both male and  female return migrants. New Economics of Labour.

Mr. Ali said that that majority of male and female returnees are struggling to find an employment in the local job market upon their return from the Middle East. Majority of female returnees are still unemployed and amongst male returnees unemployment rate has increased from 5 to 9 percent. This situation creates new unemployment category and if this situation continues in the future, Sri Lanka may have a large number of return migration population without job and it directly effects the country’s development. Therefore, proper policies should be implemented to incorporate return migrants into the local labour market

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